First Christian Church Welcomes Fall 2024

First Christian Church welcomed in Fall 2024 with a special outdoor worship service on September 22nd.  The beautiful service was followed by a wonderful picnic lunch – a throwback “DINNER ON THE GROUNDS”!!  Special worship was planned to celebrate this outdoor event as we gathered together on a glorious Sunday morning in front of the sanctuary. We were blessed to have about 35-40 in attendance for the service.  The day

Ole-Fashioned Ice Cream Supper at FCC

Do you remember Ice Cream Suppers? We all have great memories of those special experiences.  Whoever came up with that idea was a genius!!  Who doesn’t love ice cream – “I scream, you scream.  We all scream for ice cream!”  So, now the Ice Cream Supper has been revived at FCC.  On August 11th we had a special event centered around ice cream, but it was so much more.  It


First Christian Church celebrated a special event in August with the unveiling of Pastor Donna’s office remodel.  A concerted effort was undertaken to create a beautiful new space for our pastor.  All agreed the project was a success!  Pastor Donna planned and supervised the work and she has added many artifacts with sentimental value that she has gathered during her life in ministry. A great reception of delicious light snacks

Rev. Donna Herrick Called As Our Pastor

We are pleased to welcome Rev. Donna Kay Herrick as the new Pastor of First Christian Church.  Rev. Herrick was called in March by a unanimous vote of FCC members.  On May 19th, Pastor Donna was formally installed as our minister by Rev. Kevin McNeil, Tennessee Region Interim Minister.  It was a joyous occasion for all and included ordination of Deacon Ron Farwig and the baptism of Austin Smith.  Austin

Annual Pancake Breakfast Benefits Habitat for Humanity

Early on Saturday morning, March 23, First Christian Church welcomed the Cleveland community into our Fellowship Hall for our Annual Pancake Breakfast.  This year FCC raised money for our local Habitat for Humanity.  Guests were treated to hot pancakes with crispy bacon, topped off with melting butter and sweet syrup.  Hot coffee, orange juice, and bottled water washed it all down.  It was a delicious meal and a fun time

FCC Celebrates Souper Bowl of Caring

Another fun event of fellowship and fundraising occurred on February 11th as FCC members participated in our annual Souper Bowl of Caring day.  As always the event was held on Super Bowl Sunday after worship services.   Lots of good food and good times were available as we enjoyed pitting KC Cheifs and SF 49ers fans against one another.  On the menu were the traditional baked potatoes (x-large!), several delicious

FCC Celebrates Advent

“So come Lord Jesus, find in me,The child you came to save.Stoop tenderly with wounded hands,And lift me from my grave!”– MALCOMB GUITE The Advent season is a wonderful time – a celebration of the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  It brings out the child in all of us as those He came to save!  FCC members celebrated this joyous Coming with worship and fellowship this year.  It was


FCC held its 2nd annual Trunk N Treat on Halloween evening at the church circle.  Always a fun event, this one was also memorable.   Beautiful weather (though breezy) greeted our members that participated in this year’s event along with spooky background music and sounds of Halloween.   Kids of all ages showed up to claim their sweet rewards from the trunks decorated with spooky Halloween characters.   We had

FCC Enters Agreement With ORPHANWISE

First Christian Church has entered into a formal agreement with ORPHANWISE allowing the organization use of our facilities.  ORPHANWISE is a Cleveland based non-profit group whose mission is to bring hope and healing to children from hard places by equipping their caregivers with trauma-informed resources.  The organization’s office will be located at the FCC facility along with a teaching center.  ORPHANWISE will also periodically utilize the Fellowship Hall for training

Rev. Zoe Renfro To Leave FCC As Interim Minister 

The members of First Christian Church are saying a fond farewell to Rev. Zoe Renfro.  Rev. Renfro informed FCC leaders of her intent to resign as Interim Minister effective October 1st.  The Official Board reluctantly accepted her written resignation on September 3rd.  Her last Sunday will be September 24th.  She and Dave plan to remain as FCC members.  FCC owes a debt of gratitude to Rev. Renfro.  During the past


FCC BELL TOWER REFURBISHED  A beautiful event occurred on May 24, 2023 at our church.  After many years of assessing and planning improvements to the Bell Tower at FCC we were truly blessed to finally accomplish our goals.  Coppersmith Andrew Frazier was hired to fashion caps for the Bell Tower.  The caps were custom-made by hand and fitted specifically for our Bell Tower.  A local sign company was contracted to

FCC Scholarship Program

It may be a surprise to some that First Christian Church has an established scholarship fund to help FCC members and their immediate familys cover the costs associated with undergraduate and graduate studies.  We have not promoted this program recently but it is indeed still active.  If you would like to know more about this program, please speak with one of our Elders at FCC.

FCC Hosts Community Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

Saturday, March 25th was a day of service for many FCC members as we sponsored a community pancake breakfast in our Fellowship Hall.  We served our community – we served The Caring Place – and we served God by helping others.  And did someone say “pancakes?”  They were delicious, served hot off the grill with melting butter and golden syrup to sweeten things all ‘round.  And bacon!  Hot coffee, orange

FCC Supports Cleveland Relay For Life Event

Cancer was in the cross-hairs of thousands of local citizens on Saturday, April 29TH in downtown Cleveland.  Members of the FCC DOC Team were there as well to support the Relay For Life event by passing out flower seeds, offering free candy, and creating a prayer list for cancer victims and survivors. We had a nice tent and table set up with our sign to let the public know who


Hey football fans!  Sunday, February 12 was a great day at FCC!!  As our tradition on Super Bowl Sunday we host our own version – the SOUPER BOWL OF CARING.  For almost 30 years we have held this special event following worship to raise funds for our own Meals-For-Kids program.  Always a fun time, this year was another great event and very successful in our efforts to fund the MFK


The 2022 Advent season was another beautiful celebration of our Lord’s birth.  The four Sundays before Christmas we focused on blessings of Advent: HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE.   We reached out to our community with a gift of our Cocoa & Carols drive- thru service just before Christmas.   The gift featured our commemorative 125th anniversary mug with cocoa mix, mini-marshmallows, and peppermint candy canes, along with a flyer

FCC Hosts First Annual Trunk or Treat Event

Halloween is such a fun time for children and adults alike. Everyone enjoys dressing in costumes from contemporary fantasy characters to the more traditional, and more frightening, ‘ghostly’ ones. FCC joined in the celebration this year as we hosted our first ever Trunk or Treat event. Everyone involved said it was a big success, therefore, we plan to continue doing the event in the future.  A big thanks to those

FCC Welcomes FALL with Outdoor Worship and Picnic (…..Sorta!!)

September 25th was a highly-anticipated Sunday at First Christian Church as we all gathered for a special Hymn-Sing and Worship service outside under cloudy skies. The weather would NOT dampen our spirits as we were in God’s beautiful creation out in front of our Sanctuary.  With a picnic lunch planned afterwards, we were looking forward to a good time for all! The worship program included many “good-ole” hymns, led by


Sunday, May 22, was a beautiful day to gather for worship at FCC, but was made even more special as we celebrated our 125th year in Cleveland. We were blessed to have around 60 in attendance with some special guests included.  Some old friends returned for the occasion.  We recognized three longterm members and had a wonderful hymn by our FCC choir. Dr. Rev. Christal Williams, Regional Minister,  delivered a

Fellowship Is Back at FCC

We are blessed to be able to return to our tradition of loving one another through Fellowship. Our choir gathered together on April 10 for a special luncheon after worship. Looking at the photos one can see that they had a fun time with some delicious dishes. Then the women of FCC got together to hold a CFW (Disciples Women) restart after covid. The photos tell the story so please take

10 Things I Love About FCC

In May FCC will celebrate 125 yrs. in Cleveland.  We are so blessed! As we look forward to what God has for us, here are some things I’m thankful about at FCC. Nick Grisham – Elder Our beautiful church family. The bell tower – we ring the bell every Sunday. Our renovated sanctuary-still looks and feels brand new. Fellowship breakfasts, fellowship lunches, fellowship dinners. Our music – Melody leading choir, Amy

Annual Souper Bowl of Caring at FCC – Feb. 13

Yes, the Souper Bowl, not the Super Bowl. The big winner was the children of Cleveland as $350 was raised at this year’s event to support our Meals For Kids program at Mayfield Elementary.   The traditional Potato Bar fare was delicious as always. We had sweet potatoes this year along with regular baked potatoes, two types of chili, cornbread and a large Tuscan salad. Sweets included pineapple upside down



Advent came earlier than usual this year and the members of FCC readily anticipated this joyous season. Many of our members participated in the preparation for our annual Hanging of the Greens service and our sanctuary came alive with the sights of Christmas cheer. We lit the Hope candle on Nov. 28 followed by Peace, Love, and Joy.  We also celebrated the season with a fellowship event that featured some

Painted Chair

Donated Chairs From FCC Become Works of Art For Charity

Last year First Christian Church donated 8-10 Sunday School chairs to our local Arts & Education organization to be used in the recent Chair-ries Jubilee event. This annual fundraiser benefits Arts education in Cleveland/Bradley schools.  The process of converting a plain very used chair into an inspiring work of art is under taken by a host of talented local artists. These items are then sold at the event. Please see

FCC Welcomes The Collectives Church

Starting July 1 our church will be host to a new start-up church, The Collectives Church. We have contracted with the new group for an initial 6 month period with possibilities for future extensions. The church is led by Jeff and Rachel Pitts and will focus on leading Cleveland area’s young adults to Christ and developing them in becoming faithful Disciples. The Collectives Church will meet on Sunday evenings for

Fellowship Hall Parking Lot

Fellowship Hall Parking Refurbished

As summer begins we are continuing to look for ways to upgrade or renovate the facilities at FCC. Recently we repaired and refurbished the Fellowship Hall parking area. Severely damaged areas and cracks were repaired, the area was cleaned and weeded, sealed and topcoated by a professional company. Also, for the first time, lines for parking have been added! We now have 12 parking spaces and 2 clearly marked handicap

Lighted FCC sign

Church Sign Repaired

Our church sign has new life! It has been in darkness (unlit) for a long while but was recently repaired. Now all commuters on N. Ocoee will be able to see who we are and enjoy the inspirational messages posted on our sign.

Cattleya orchid from Hawaii

God’s Beautiful Gardens

Spring has sprung and summer’s not far away. It takes just a moment to pause from the frantic ways of our lives and take in the natural beauty God graciously offers to all. We invite the members and friends of First Christian Church – Cleveland to submit photos of their flowers, landscaping, and vegetable gardens to the website to share with one another. Simply provide your name and SHORT description