Sunday, May 22, was a beautiful day to gather for worship at FCC, but was made even more special as we celebrated our 125th year in Cleveland. We were blessed to have around 60 in attendance with some special guests included. Some old friends returned for the occasion. We recognized three longterm members and had a wonderful hymn by our FCC choir. Dr. Rev. Christal Williams, Regional Minister, delivered a congratulations to our Church. After service, we continued our celebration with a wonderful fellowship meal. Delicious dishes (see photos) prepared by our loving members who are most wonderful cooks! We also had a display of some photos, newspaper articles, and documents from our past 125 years. The highlight of which was a copy of the original charter for our church from 1897!! As a souvenir everyone received a commemorative mug decorated with our 125 years of service in Cleveland. Looking back is fun, however we are more excited to see what God has in store for our next 125 years. Take a look at all the wonderful photos from our big celebration. God is good, all the time!!